NumToLog | ODBCconnectMode |
Syntax: @ODBCconnect Data_source_name, User_ID, Password, Connection_Handle [, error_flag]
This command can be used to establish a connection to an 'ODBC' data source.
Data source name: This is the name of an ODBC data source which must have been previously set up via the ODBC data source manager application (usually found under the Windows Control Panel).
User ID: A valid User Name / ID associated with the specified data source. Some drivers do not require this field.
Password: The password associated with the specified User ID.
Connection Handle: The numeric variable specified is filled with the 'handle' number which is then used to refer to the connection in subsequent calls to ODBC commands.
Error Flag: An optional numeric variable name can be included, which will return zero for a successful connection and non zero otherwise.
@ODBCconnect 'CustomerDB', 'Carol', 'Secret', ConnectionNo